suplaplex engine doesn't let you immediately quit to menu upon death

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suplaplex engine doesn't let you immediately quit to menu upon death

Post by ncrecc »

in the emerald mine and rocks'n'diamonds engines, you're able to instantly quit to the menu by pressing ENTER or ESCAPE as soon as you die. however, supaplex requires you to wait a couple seconds after you die before you can instantly quit (the same time it takes for the "game over! try again?" message to appear if "ask on game over" is enabled). in the meantime, pressing ENTER does nothing, and pressing ESCAPE shows the "do you really want to quit?" message (if "ask on quit game" is enabled).

would patching this out break something? i know supaplex has some weird glitches; is there an "undead player" glitch this would interfere with, or something?
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Re: suplaplex engine doesn't let you immediately quit to menu upon death

Post by Holger »

Yes, there's indeed too much delay after a "game over" situation in the native Supaplex game engine. And fixing this should not break anything. So I have fixed this now, setting the "game over" state before the "lead out delay" of that engine (instead of setting it afterwards, as it was before).

This results in both having the "play again" dialog earlier than before (after the same delay as in the other engines), and also being able to return to the main menu earlier by pressing a key (if the "play again" dialog is disabled).

Please also see this thread for some related details (like not being able anymore to return to the main menu after "game over" by pressing some key other than the "escape key" just before the "play again" dialog appears, which I would see as buggy or "unexpected" behavior).

Also notice that you can disable the "really quit" dialog after hitting "escape" in the key shortcuts setup menu, to be able to quit playing a game really fast.
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