"git clone" on R'n'D repo slow?

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"git clone" on R'n'D repo slow?

Post by filbo »

(In very closely related news, I ran a new `git clone` on your repository, wondering if there was some damage causing my differences -- before I realized the need to `make`. And that clone is still running, very very slowly. I re-cloned a completely unrelated, twice-as-big repo (from github) as a crude test of whether there was something broken with my net bandwidth, and it completed in a few seconds. Downloads of .zip stuff from artsoft.org are way faster; is the git server on a really slow VM or something? Update: it finally completed, taking a full 10 minutes...) (If you have the means in phpBB, can you move this comment to a new thread in, um, Programmer's Corner?)
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Re: "git clone" on R'n'D repo slow?

Post by Holger »

Moved the topic. And did a "git clone" by myself. Indeed it seems slow, although not as slow as on your end. But definitely slower than expected. For me, it took 53 seconds (for a 95 MB repo). But then, using a 16 Mbit/s DSL connection here at home, this is in fact more or less exactly what can be expected.

BTW, the server for the web site (including downloads) and the Git repo is the same VM. It's the latest Ubuntu LTS with latest patches, freshly installed only a few month ago, and even though it's a very small VM (2 vCPUs, nearly idle during the clone, with 2 GB RAM, but not even half of it used), it should be quite fast, especially regarding network speed (placed in a data center very close to the largest internet exchange node of the world, with GBit link).

Will do another speed test the next time I'm in the office (which is connected with 500 Mbit/s or something).
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Re: "git clone" on R'n'D repo slow?

Post by filbo »

We're paying for 300Mbps symmetric, but AT&T are actually delivering 360Mbps symmetric (go figure!)

... yet I just ran another `time git clone https://git.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds.git` and -- well, this time it only took 209.49 seconds, but that's still pretty darn slow...

You mentioned a github repository, which I took to mean a shadow / mirror of yours, but presumably faster. Googling 'github rocks and diamonds' found many interesting repositories, but nothing that looked like yours...?
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Re: "git clone" on R'n'D repo slow?

Post by Holger »

It's this one: https://github.com/ArtsoftEntertainment/rocksndiamonds

And it's indeed much faster:

$ time git clone https://git.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds.git
Cloning into 'rocksndiamonds'...

real 0m45.317s
user 0m32.230s
sys 0m2.640s

$ time git clone https://github.com/ArtsoftEntertainment/rocksndiamonds
Cloning into 'rocksndiamonds'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 34106, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7981/7981), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2269/2269), done.
remote: Total 34106 (delta 6022), reused 7572 (delta 5669), pack-reused 26125
Receiving objects: 100% (34106/34106), 24.99 MiB | 5.57 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (26427/26427), done.

real 0m11.797s
user 0m8.889s
sys 0m0.820s


Note the "5.57 MiB/s" ... apparently my DSL connection is 50 Mbit/s, not 16 Mbit/s. ;-)

And the repo size is 37 MB from GitHub vs. 96 MB from artsoft.org ... hmmm.


Here's a "git clone" from a VM right next to git.artsoft.org:

$ time git clone https://git.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds.git
Cloning into 'rocksndiamonds'...

real 0m10.472s
user 0m10.855s
sys 0m1.510s

(Repo size is 97 MB here.)

So the server is indeed fast enough (saturating the 100 Mbit/s network interface), but the external network is the limiting factor.
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Re: "git clone" on R'n'D repo slow?

Post by filbo »

Ok! My current tree is origin'd to your artsoft.org site and I don't see any reason to change it, I was just curious about observed behaviors :)

A fresh clone from github for me takes 4.66 seconds, indicating that my pathetic desktop i3-4170 is nevertheless somehow beefier than whatever your pathetic desktop is running :)

$ time git clone https://github.com/ArtsoftEntertainment/rocksndiamonds
Cloning into 'rocksndiamonds'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 34106, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (7981/7981), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2269/2269), done.
remote: Total 34106 (delta 6022), reused 7572 (delta 5669), pack-reused 26125
Receiving objects: 100% (34106/34106), 24.99 MiB | 26.00 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (26427/26427), done.
Checking connectivity... done.

real 0m4.662s
user 0m5.679s
sys 0m0.516s
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