Rocks'n'Diamonds 3.2.2 released!

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Rocks'n'Diamonds 3.2.2 released!

Post by Holger »

The release of the outstanding one-level set "Zelda" by Alan Bond -- with a playing time that can easily reach over one hour -- again showed the limitations of tape reloading, which takes far too long for very long tapes. This required the invention of a new technique, which uses internal game engine snapshots and allows for instant reloading of the last played or saved tape without any delay. Besides that, this new version contains two major bugfixes and is therefore considered a recommended upgrade.

Most important changes since last release version 3.2.1:

- instant tape reloading for the last saved tape using "quick save/load"
- fixed bug that prevented solving levels without exit (like in Sokoban)
- fixed bug with quick loading tapes in fullscreen with EMC game engine

Now available from the Download section! And don't miss "Zelda" from the "Levels & Artwork" section!
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