Rocks'n'Diamonds released!

R'n'D is always evolving. Check here to see if a new version is out.

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Rocks'n'Diamonds released!

Post by Holger »

The most important feature of this new release version is a new screen in the “Hall of Fame” that shows some more details for each score entry, together with the possibility to replay the tapes for each score, which are loaded from the score server.

Besides this feature, the new version contains the following additions, changes and bug fixes:
  • added key shortcuts to restart and replay/resume (before end) the game
  • added music support for the browser version of the game
  • added setup option to start game in pause mode
  • added support for background images for loading screens
  • added forward and backward cursor key navigation to all info screens
  • added reading credits and program info from external text files
  • added support for opening URLs for global animation event actions
  • added “levelinfo.conf” options to rename levels with title “nameless level”
  • fixed crash bug for some graphics configurations with global border
  • fixed graphical bug when player enters exit using ultra-fast speed
  • changed high score screen to show only non-empty score entries
  • removed reloading artwork set for changed level set if not required
The new version is available on the download page!
Play now! (Chrome browser recommended)

I wish you all a Happy Easter! :-)
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Re: Rocks'n'Diamonds released!

Post by jm28121977 »

I know it's been there for like a year but I haven't mentioned how much I love the high score server feature. It makes me feel like I'm playing with loads of other people and gives a feeling of community. It's also made me look for more efficient routes through levels, whereas before my only target was completion. I also replay levels to get a better score, something I never used to do. It would be nice if it could just show my best score for each level as it's a bit embarrassing when I finish 2nd, 3rd and 4th on a level and it's made really obvious that I've tried to come top but failed several times!

Anyone know who RND_PLAYER is? (S)he/they seem to have played every level ever made!

Best wishes
Jamie x
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Re: Rocks'n'Diamonds released!

Post by BryanFRitt »

Anyone know who RND_PLAYER is? (S)he/they seem to have played every level ever made!
So far, it looks like there isn't anybody who has finished every level made. According to the Artsoft Dashboard there are "50,970 Levels", and even the Player with the most number of scores only has "31,223 scores".
Most Active Players

Code: Select all

All times
#   Player     Country Scores
1.  atiE2      NL       31223
2.  filbo      US       23300
3.  RnD_Player US        9716
4.  Ilker      DE        4688
5.  eckhard    DE        2598
6.  RAP        US        2491
7.  pech       RS        2133
8.  frali      NL        1903
9.  paul       GB        1857
10. jamie      GB        1782
retrieved 2022-06-26
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Re: Rocks'n'Diamonds released!

Post by jm28121977 »

Thanks, I hadn't seen that list. It might just be that he's played all same the levelsets I've played since the high score servers were implement.
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Re: Rocks'n'Diamonds released!

Post by jm28121977 »

I've decided to start proof-reading my posts before submitting them.
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