wraparound bug: EM doors kill

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wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by filbo »

Forgotten Mine 2 level 16 (levels/Emerald Mine Club/emc_forgotten_mine_2/16S): a very short time into the level (12s if playing efficiently), we wrap around the screen to pick up a green key, traversing a yellow door to do so. The green key is in a tiny area that exists only to grab the key and return to where we were, wrapped back around the screen. On returning, the game acts as if the yellow door is death.

It looks like the semantic of:

1. step across wrap boundary
2. teleport to other side
3. whoops, the element on the other side is an EM style door, push one step further in the same direction
4. now one step further

breaks down at step 3; instead we die:

3a. whoops, we're on an untenable element
4a. die

The other direction wrap works fine (in fact is how we get to the green key, before dying on return):

1. step into EM style door which is on the edge of the screen
2. whoops, this element is an EM style door, push one step further
3. one step further is off the edge of the screen
4. teleport to other side
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Re: wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by filbo »

While I'm here: level 11 of this levelset seems unsolvable.

Does something about the bomb-drops-on-expanding-wall sequence work differently in the original EM / EMC engines?
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Re: wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by Holger »

Regarding the wrap-around bug where EM style doors are involved as described: Indeed there's a bug in the wrap-around code when doing two steps at once and teleporting to the other side of the level. I have just fixed this bug, so this works now as expected.

While at it, I found a second situation with wrap-around levels that's not handled correctly: When trying to activate a robot wheel that is just beyond the playfield boundary (and therefore shown at the opposite side), it does not work as expected (and as it should do in the original game engine). I have fixed this bug, too.

Both bugfixes are already available in the Git repo, and will be released with the next version.
While I'm here: level 11 of this levelset seems unsolvable.

Does something about the bomb-drops-on-expanding-wall sequence work differently in the original EM / EMC engines?
Haven't checked this one yet, but will also have a look at it soon.
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Re: wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by Holger »

Does something about the bomb-drops-on-expanding-wall sequence work differently in the original EM / EMC engines?
Good question. Just found out that this level set only consists of the plain level files (packaged as LHA archive), without an engine to play them, so I cannot immediately test how it works on an Amiga emulator. It should be possible to inject the level in question to the Forgotten Mine 1 disk on the Amiga, and then play it with that engine. But this has to wait a bit...
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Re: wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by filbo »

Hah, it never even occurred to me that old Amiga EMC levelsets would each come with an executable EMC game to play them with! Didn't people just run the game and download levelsets from the Internet with its internal levelset downloader? :)
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Re: wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by filbo »


$ git fetch origin
fatal: unable to access 'https://git.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds.git/': gnutls_handshake() failed: Handshake failed

Not actually related to this post except that you've prompted me to want to refresh my tree. A separate attempt to simply clone the repo fails with the same message.

Oh, even more interesting! My system `git` is version 1.9.1 (from LinuxMint 17.3 => Ubuntu 14.04.6). I also have an installation of 'homebrew' (to help my mom with issues with her homebrew on Mac OS, where it's necessary to actually use most open source packages). brew's `git` is 2.28.0 -- and happily fetches the update.

Did you just change some certificate or something associated with the git server?
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Re: wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by Holger »

Hah, it never even occurred to me that old Amiga EMC levelsets would each come with an executable EMC game to play them with! Didn't people just run the game and download levelsets from the Internet with its internal levelset downloader? :)

Yeah... As far as I know, Forgotten Mine 2 was never finished (I think it only contains about 22 levels or so), and the author simply packaged the bare level files in an lha archive to give them to others, without bundling a proper EMC disk ready to run.

Playing all the original EMC sets is sometimes not that easy, be it because of such level packages without executable player, or because the floppy disk image refuses to start in the emulator, or whatever. I always find it very "user-unfriendly" to "just quickly test play level X of EMC set Y" because of that (not to speak of level handicap that sometimes prevents simply selecting the desired level).

That's the goal of the EMC level collection for R'n'D: To easily "just play" every level from every set you want.

BTW: The all-new EMC collection is just about to be released (well, I think I tell this since at least two years... :-/ ) One of the last steps is adding some of your EMC tapes to the sets! I really hope to have it ready before christmas this time! :)
fatal: unable to access 'https://git.artsoft.org/rocksndiamonds.git/': gnutls_handshake() failed: Handshake failed
Sorry for that. Please try again (on your system where it refused to work.)

I did some SSL tests yesterday, and I temporarily disabled all weak ciphers from the site's SSL configuration (only those that are marked "non-green" on ssllabs.com). I know that this causes some trouble for old systems with old web browsers and old versions of Git (because I have such an outdated system by myself ;-) ).

I have re-enabled that small selection of outdated ciphers again, so all should work fine again! :)
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Re: wraparound bug: EM doors kill

Post by filbo »

Right, Forgotten Mine 2 ends at 22 (so 23 levels :) -- I guess the author forgot the project...

`git fetch origin` once again succeeds with $oldgit. Of course I should upgrade too (been saying that for what, 2 years?)
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