Music of multi global anims gets muted in transitions

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Music of multi global anims gets muted in transitions

Post by Eizzoux »

Ok, so, if you ever tried my "Playlist mode", you probably understand what do I mean. If not, let me explain.
After Holger added brand new "Global animations" for separate screens and several groups of them, he also added the function to lock actual music to them (not .wav sounds, any supportable music including modular ones). So that means you can pretty much do your own playlist of music (funny though how I "kinda" predicted that... well, at least for that time I didn't know that was possible to play music by animations).
Okay, to the point. There's a little issue with this that, for example, occurs in my Playlist mode I just mentioned. While the music plays when you go between menus or any other screens, music just fades out on the first transition. I see that only happens with "multi anims", the ones which shows up for few relative screens and keeps the state in transtitions when next screen is from this group too. Like, global.anim_X.part_X.MENU plays anims only on MAIN, LEVELS, LEVELNR and all INFO and SETUP screens, and all screens are connected with MAIN menu, and so it keeps the state of it when you go between those screens and then disables on any other screen not from this group, like EDITOR or PLAYING. Animations in Playlist mode are playing on any screen, so it's just "global.anim_X.part_X" or "global.anim_X.part_X.[DEFAULT]", so anims are always keeping their state, but can't keep the music playing. Maybe it needs the same system as for same music file on relative screens just keeping the music playing instead of reseting it.
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Re: Music of multi global anims gets muted in transitions

Post by Holger »

Yes, you are right. Music of global animations that are played on several subsequent screens should not be stopped when changing to those other screens, but only when changing to screens not included in the global animation's screen class.

This will be a bit tricky (not only for global animation music, but especially for long-playing global animation sounds that would similarly span over different screens)... I will check what I can do about it. :?
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