Support other archive types

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Support other archive types

Post by Eizzoux »

It would also be good if R'n'D's drag'n'drop supported more archives than just 'zip'. Like 'rar' and '7z' (these are the only ones I know, sorry).
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Re: Support other archive types

Post by Holger »

Yes, that would be good! :)

What would be not so good are the consequences to the code base if I add support for more archive formats: Either lots of additional (external) dependencies, or a highly increased code complexity if adding all the required code into the R'n'D code base (with the additional problem of having to keep it updated). In both cases, it will highly increase the required maintenance work.

Adding zip support created one dependency on the very popular and common zlib software library, which can be expected to exist on most computer systems of today. (In fact, it was already part of the Windows version of R'n'D for many years.)

Adding support for more exotic formats like 7z and RAR is, in my opinion, not worth it, due to the reasons stated above.

So I think I will stay with simple zip support for the foreseeable future, which is a simple and ubiquitous archive/compression format that is available and supported virtually everywhere today, and set aside the additional benefit that could be gained from supporting technically superior formats like 7z in a time when disk space and bandwidth get cheaper every year...
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