Level creator won"t save games

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Level creator won"t save games

Post by ProudGranny »

Hi. My daughter and I made some levels a few years back. I tried doing some of them over. But, when I save them, they won't save. Can anyone help me? Thank you.
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Re: Level creator won"t save games

Post by Holger »

Hi! That sounds a bit strange -- could you give me some more details. please?

- which version of R'n'D are you using? And on which operating system?
- what does "they won't save" exactly mean? Do you get an error message?

I really would like to help you out, but I'm a bit stumped at the moment... :-)
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Re: Level creator won"t save games

Post by ProudGranny »

Hi Holger. Thank you for getting back to me. The game version is The operating system is Windows 10. When I get done changing the levels and click save, then it says, save this new and kill the old. I click yes. and then I exit and play the level, nothing has changed. I'm sorry I wasn't clear the first time. Thank you.
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Re: Level creator won"t save games

Post by Holger »

Thanks for the additional information. Hmm, that sounds like R'n'D either cannot write the new or changed level for whatever reason (in which case it should show an error message), or that it stores the file in a different location than it should, and then reads the old/unmodified level file instead of the new one (which is a purely hypothetical scenario now, as such thing should never happen).

Maybe you could try the following: Locate the "personal" R'n'D levels folder (should be "Documents/Rocks'n'Diamonds/levels", but this might differ in Windows 10 -- I only have Windows 7 for testing) and temporarily rename it (to "levels.tmp", for example). The restart R'n'D and try to create a new level in your newly created, empty, default personal level set (the one with the same name as your R'n'D user name displayed on top of the main menu). Does this work? That is, can you play it after saving and leaving the level editor? Or do you encounter the exact same problems?

Another thing that might have gone wrong: You wrote that you made those levels a few years back. So these levels may probably have their own level set directory already (not being stored in your default personal level set). If so, did you maybe have copied that level set to the "levels" folder in the R'n'D installation location instead of the "levels" folder in your Documents folder? In this case, those levels might be treated "read only" -- but you would have been warned about this when entering the level editor, so I assume that this is not the case here...
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Re: Level creator won"t save games

Post by ProudGranny »

Hi Holger. Thank you for all your help. But, everything I tried doesn't work and now my scores aren't saving. I uninstalled and reinstalled but nothing works. I uninstalled and not reinstalled. I loved playing rocks and diamonds. I've been playing it since it came out. I miss playing it. :( :cry:
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