Prospector in the Mazes of Xor

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Prospector in the Mazes of Xor

Post by Galaxy »

[recap: suggestion to add Xor/Prospector in the Mazes of Xor as a new game type to RnD]

There is one remake (recently released) for the PC titled Xor which includes all of the 15 levels from the original Xor. It is also worth noting that the original Xor levels are the same as the 'Xor's mazes' level set in the Amiga version. The Amiga version added a further 15 levels.

There is also a considerable amount of information about the BBC version of Xor (including some map info) at

The Amiga version uses different GFX to the original (and remake). The mapping is as follows:

Original <=> Amiga

Shields <=> Pip and Herb
Waves and Dots <=> Power Fields
Fish <=> Rocks
Chicken <=> Zeppeliin
Dolly <=> Sphere
BMUS <=> Teleport
Bomb <=> Dynamite
Poison <=> Tin Bomb
Map piece {Amiga version has four separate GFX elements for the map pieces}
Happy mask <=> Balloon
Sad mask <=> Decoy Balloon

I've pretty much worked out the map file from the Amiga version, which I have emailed to Holger along with some other info (I can repost if required).
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Post by Martijn »

you can't download that new xor verison on the homepage. Is it a boudlerdash game?
Visit my Boulder Dash website at:

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Post by Yoshi348 »

Martijn wrote:you can't download that new xor verison on the homepage. Is it a boudlerdash game?
You can download versions of the original Xor on both other links. It's... only vaugely like Boulderdash, but it's related enough to get pretty far in emulating in RnD with only CEs.
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Post by Galaxy »

Martijn wrote:you can't download that new xor verison on the homepage. Is it a boudlerdash game?
Bad web design - you need to click on the fish (direct link: and no, it's not really a boulderdash game.

It is really a puzzle game (it does not have the arcade/action elements of EM). If you like the puzzle aspects of EM, then you will enjoy Xor, which has some very difficult puzzles in some of the levels.
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Map file format for Prospector in the Mazes of Xor

Post by Galaxy »

I have also some revisions to make to my original post (in the previous forum) on the map data. Repost with some alterations (multiple byte codes for each element)

I have also come across some information on the Map file format of the original Xor (for the BBC Micro) at this Xor website. Direct link to map info:


Each map file contains 15 levels.

Total File Length: 16860 bytes
Length of each level: 1124 bytes

Level 1 starts at byte offset 0 [0h]
Level 2 starts at byte offset 1124 [464h]
Level 3 starts at byte offset 2248 [8c8h]


Byte offset within 1124 byte block.
0h-11h : Level Title [length: 18 bytes] 12h can be used too but probably should not be altered.
12h-1e : unknown - probably not used. Altering 13h- these bytes causes the title to cover the high score and run across the screen.
1f-41e : Level Map [32x32 board, includes surrounding solid wall]

Code: Select all

X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
X                              X
41f-463: unknown, probably unused except
42b : used, unknown
42f : used, unknown
43b : used, unknown
43f : used, unknown
443 : number of balloons to collect (max 99 [63h])
44b : used, unknown
44f : used, unknown
453 : used, unknown
45b : used, unknown
45f : used, unknown
463 : used, unknown


Byte codes (Hex) for objects within level map

The byte code appears to be the sum of the empty field + object code, hence there seems to be four valid values for each element. I assume that this is because you can place an game element on each of the four background tiles.

00;40;80;c0 Empty field (four different GFX elements for this)
01;41;81;c1 Pip
02;42;82;c2 Herb
03;43;83;c3 Rock
04;44;84;c4 Zeppelin
05;45;85;c5 Sphere
06;46;86;c6 Balloon
07;47;87;c7 Decoy balloon
08;48;88;c8 Map (top left)
09;49;89;c9 Map (top right)
0a;4a;8a;ca Map (bottom left)
0b;4b;8b;cb Map (bottom right)
0c;4c;8c;cc Teleport
0d;4d;8d;cd Dirt (vertical movement allowed)
0e;4e;8e;ce Dirt (horizontal movement allowed)
0f;4f;8f;cf Tin bomb
10;50;90;d0 Dynamite
11;51;91;d1 Exit
20;60;a0;e0 Wall block

Level constraints: (from Prospector of Xor manual)
- The edges must be made up of wall blocks or empty fields.
- Herb and Pip must be placed in the maze, once and only once.
- Level must contain at least 1 exit
- There must be zero, two or four teleporters.
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Post by Galaxy »

It's been a couple of years since I've had a look a RnD, or this forum - seems to have evolved considerably since then (nice work Holger!)

I was wondering if the current version of the game is any closer to being able to emulate this game's features using RnD?

There are a few fundamental differences in the game (eg. the players have a fixed no. of moves in which to complete the puzzle, teleporters, switching between players, map pieces)
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Post by Holger »

> I was wondering if the current version of the game is any closer to being
> able to emulate this game's features using RnD?

Although I haven't tried, CE are much more powerful and flexible since a few years ago. So I would definitely say "yes" here.

> There are a few fundamental differences in the game (eg. the players
> have a fixed no. of moves in which to complete the puzzle, teleporters,
> switching between players, map pieces)

The following should be possible now:
- fixed number of moves (per player)
- teleporters are easily possible using CEs
- switching between players: there was a trick to do this by dropping a CE

Not sure how to do map pieces, though. (Well, Alan Bond probably can do this, too! :-) )
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XOR for R'n'D

Post by r0lZ »

I have developed a varaint of Prospector in the Mazes of XOR for R'n'D.

There are several differences with the original game, but the principle is the same:
  • It uses the R'n'D graphics and sounds.
  • You have to pick up an additional element at the very beginning of each level to be able to swap the two players.
  • There are no maps in my version. They have been replaced by diamonds. When you collect a diamond, you have a bonus of 10 points, but no map is displayed. That's not too important, as the R'n'D board is much more large than the original XOR board.
  • When the alternate player dies, the main player dies also. In the original game, the user can continue to play with one player only. For that reason, I had to modify slightly one level.
  • They are some very little differences in the behaviour of the game. As far as I know, the only difference is that the method to determine the order of the moves of the elements is a little bit different. However, that doesn't cause any problem. I have successfully played the 30 levels (except one - see below.)
  • I have added two levels in a new set. That set can also be used to create your own levels.
The current version is still a beta, but it is playable. Note that you need the latest beta version of R'n'D to play XOR. Holger has added the ability to dig elements when an element is pushed, and I need that to emulate the way the rocks, bombs, zeppelins, atoms and spheres can be pushed into the force fields (tubes in the R'n'D version.)

I haven't been able to complete level 14 of the Proscion set. IMO, it's not because there is a bug, but probably because I haven't been able to find the right way to do it. But that level might as well be unplayable. So, if you can, please try that level, and if you can complete it, please send me the solution tape. See this post for more info.

The original thread about my attempts to develop XOR can be found here: viewtopic.php?t=1523
You don't need to read everything, as most of the thread is devoted to issues I had to solve. The download link of the current beta is in the first post of page 8.

Have fun!
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