Why cannot be posted as guest anymore?

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Why cannot be posted as guest anymore?

Post by Holger »

Why cannot be posted as guest anymore?

I really hate that I had to make this decision, but the number of SPAM posts from guest accounts massively increased over the last few days, so I had to do something against it. This is the second step against SPAM in this forum in a short time (after activating visual account confirmation).

I hope that I can re-enable guest posts again some day, when I have found another way to prevent these SPAM posts (like blocking IPs -- unfortunately, these SPAM posts did not come from a few specific IP addresses so far).

I friendly ask all members who preferred to post as guests so far to register, to be able to continue posting. Please understand that I did not like this step, and it is not my intention to "force" you to register. It's just to keep the forum alive and prevent it to be flooded by SPAM posts. :-(

Please feel free to discuss this step in the forum -- I will start a thread about this in the "Off-Topic" section.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused by this decision. :-(
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