what if mirror magic with the custom elements?

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what if mirror magic with the custom elements?

Post by amirnatsheh7 »

since 2003 a rnd 3.0.0 has new objects call custom elements you can make your own custom elements on your own levelsets but mirror magic with custom elements?
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Re: what if mirror magic with the custom elements?

Post by Eizzoux »

Pretty sure there was such discussion, like, years ago where Holger confirmed he isn't planning to add any CE for the MM engine (although he did eventually add few non-vanilla non-CE elements, so who knows if he may change his opinion on that... But yeah, that probably ain't happening in at least next two or three years.
And on second thought, what kind of functionalities would have been added to custom MM elements anyways? I guess such options may be: if it can be hit by the beam, if there is a ±delay for holding the beam on it, what kind of hitbox it has (full cube [locks], circle [fuse, teleporters or polarizers], dot in the center [cells, mirrors, etc.], full cube with a center [pushable blocks]), action on hit... For now that's all I can think of...
But yeah, the idea by itself is a bit... debatable for now. Even if Holger ever decides on making such elements, they will probably stay as experimental for a while, according to Holger's frequent struggles with MM's very dated engine capabilities.
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Re: what if mirror magic with the custom elements?

Post by Holger »

Yes, that's right, and a fairly complete answer to the question.

The Mirror Magic game engine is (and will always be) some sort of foreign body in R'n'D. The reason I integrated it into R'n'D was not because I thought it was the addition most needed in R'n'D (which it isn't), but because I wanted to keep that game (Mirror Magic) alive and be able to release updated versions that run on modern systems. R'n'D has everything that was needed (like level editor, hall of fame, setup menu and all that stuff), and I did not want to maintain the same code base twice, so I just put MM into it (as a separate game engine) and be done. :-D

That's the reason why the main focus is more on the BD/EM/SP style game engines, not the MM style one (even though Eizzoux was able to convince me that it's worth polishing the engine a little bit, fix some things and even add some new stuff to it (like the slanted walls) for his own new game "Reflektor").

It would also be possible (and would make more sense from a technical point of view) to think about adding custom elements to the native EM or SP game engine, but it's also pointless, because the R'n'D game engine already has them.

So these are the reasons why custom elements will only be a feature of the "main" R'n'D game engine for the foreseeable future.
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