Clone levels from...

Got a cool idea that should be in R'n'D? Let's hear it!

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Clone levels from...

Post by Eizzoux »

As you know, you can "copy" artwork from other levelsets by referring to the original set in levelinfo.conf as graphics_set: gfx_custom, music_set: mus_custom and sounds_set: sfx_custom. but what if you made custom artwork for already existing levelset? Let's say, you created a custom Emerald Mine artwork set for classic Emerald Mine levels. Of course, you could just put everything level related into your levelset folder, which means it will have it's own level records, scores and info. But what if you could clone levels straight from other levelset? That would not only save some space, but also:
  • share tapes and stats with the original levelset it clones from,
  • keep the original levelset info and even the levelset settings like level amount, first level number, engine, read-only state, elements info, levelset info and credits info, original artwork sets if not being overwritten by your custom pack,
  • save time on process of setting custom artwork through settings.
For example, I ported artwork from a game titled "Boulder Remake" info R'n'D and left it as levelset with no levels so you would manually set it's artwork in settings, but it could instead take levels and their stats straight from the classic Boulder Dash levelset.
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Re: Clone levels from...

Post by Holger »

Hm, why not simply selecting the new artwork set via the "custom artwork" settings in the setup menu?

I think it could be quite confusing for the player to select a new level set that really isn't a new level set, but an already existing level set with different artwork. Explicitly selecting that new artwork makes it clear what's going on.

You could even ship your new artwork set as a level set that contains custom graphics, sounds and music and one single level with just an envelope that tells the player that this level set is intended to be used as custom artwork for whatever level set he or she likes, maybe with a recommendation for which existing level set this new artwork is intended to be used with.
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