more level counts in autotest output

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more level counts in autotest output

Post by filbo »

Code: Select all

Automatically playing level tapes
Level series identifier: 'emc_ace_mine_2'
Level series name:       'Ace Mine 2'
Level series author:     'Ace-Ware & No One Inc.'
Number of levels:        103

Code: Select all

Tape 000 [04:28]: (00:00.094 / 0.04 %) - solved.
[...] Tape 080 [02:46]: (00:00.072 / 0.04 %) - solved.
Tape 081: (no tape found)
Tape 082: (no level found)
[...] Tape 101: (no level found)
Tape 102: (no tape found)
Number of levels played: 81
Number of levels solved: 78 (96%)
Summary (for automatic parsing by scripts):
LEVELDIR [WARN] 'emc_ace_mine_2', SOLVED 78/81 (96%), FAILED: 009 015 018
There are actually 4 numbers of possible concern:

A) 'stated': number of levels stated by levelinfo.conf (103 here) [103 in many EMC levelsets, despite only 81 actual levels]
B) 'existed': number of levels within the stated range which actually existed (83 in this case)
C) 'attempted': number of levels for which tapes existed (81)
D) 'solved': number of levels solved (78)
[ could add: E) 'spurious': number of levels for which tapes existed, but no level; but this seems unimportant... ]
[ and F) 'out of range': number of valid level files which existed, outside the stated range of [0..A-1] -- wonder if any of these exist... ]

I'm sort of wishing for all 4 numbers in the final summary line, e.g. 'SOLVED 78/81/83/103'. Except, well, that would probably break automatic parsing in existing scripts -- almost certainly including mine! So maybe just an additional line at the top (after 'Number of levels: 103'):

Levels found: 83

I guess all the info is there anyway. 'Number of levels: 103' = A; B = A - (count of 'no level found'). Unless 'no tape' is reported before 'no level'?

In the end, I was trying to find an easy way to evaluate 'how many levels exist without valid solution tapes?' Equals sum[all levelsets](A - D - #'no level found'), so that's not too hard. Oh, except my scripts don't touch at all those levelsets for which no tapes are found, so I'd have to scrounge up those numbers also.
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Re: more level counts in autotest output

Post by Holger »

Yes, I thought about exactly these things when staring at the output of automatic tape testing today! :?

I had no immediate idea how to improve this ... your suggestion to simply add another line seems like a good idea here. :)
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