levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

All about creating levels and level sets, custom elements and custom artwork.

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levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

It´s the first time in my live to post something in a forum. I know and love R'n'D for some years and was looking for more levels on zomis sites and other fan sites, which can't find in the internet since some years and I know, that a lot of levelsets today can't be to download.
I would like to upload them here, if it is alright (because this are not my levels) and so I can give the forum something bag.
Sorry for my bad english and... how I can upload the files? "add files" button says, the files are too large....
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by filbo »

Suggestion: collect a text listing of the files you wish to upload -- a catalog. Upload that.

That way people can evaluated whether you have items missing from existing collections.

I mean something that would look sort of like this, but with full contents rather than a selected example:

Code: Select all

-rwxr--r--  1    1396 Feb 27  2004 ./Earth Shaker Explosions/001.level
-rwxr--r--  1    1396 Mar  2  2004 ./Earth Shaker Explosions/002.level
-rwxr--r--  1    1396 Mar 20  2004 ./Earth Shaker Explosions/031.level
-rwxr--r--  1    1396 Mar 19  2004 ./Earth Shaker Explosions/032.level
-rwxr--r--  1   17156 Mar  2  2004 ./Earth Shaker Explosions/template.level
-rwxr--r--  1   17564 Mar 29  2004 ./levels/Richard/Earth 3120/001.level
-rwxr--r--  1   16086 Mar 27  2004 ./levels/Richard/Earth 3120/002.level
-rwxr--r--  1   24162 Apr  4  2004 ./levels/Richard/Earth 3120/013.level
-rwxr--r--  1   18749 Apr  2  2004 ./levels/Richard/Earth 3120/014.level
-rwxr--r--  1   13794 Sep  9  2007 ./rnd_jue/jue_j1_edition/000.level
-rwxr--r--  1     844 Sep  9  2007 ./rnd_jue/jue_j1_edition/001.level
-rwxr--r--  1     770 Sep  9  2007 ./rnd_jue/jue_j1_edition/039.level
-rwxr--r--  1     775 Sep  9  2007 ./rnd_jue/jue_j1_edition/040.level
-rwxr--r--  1   13794 Sep  9  2007 ./rnd_jue/jue_j1_edition/template.level
FYI, RnD has a set of Andreas Buschbeck levels (001..085) in directory Contributions_2003; Sascha Muecke (001..008) in Contributions_2006. I don't see anything labeled Lee Brewer but if the caves have titles rather than a personal name, I wouldn't have noticed.
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

hi, filbo, thanks for your answer.

I played the levels from RnD and especially in Supaplex I saw, a lot of levels are doubly presents. So I started to look – who ist the author etc. wanted to organize all of levels, but only for me.
In 2011 or 2012 I started to look for new levels, at first for supaplex.
I found a forum by Paulo Matoso (MegaPlex), reopened in 2012 and downloaded a lot of unknown levelsets and single-levels. After 2 years I wanted to look for boulderdash-levels and ended my work on Supaplex, but also since 2014 the site of paulo matoso can´t find or open.
I looked too in the (very, very old) Winplex-Forum, downloaded levelsets from the site of Vovan-VE and others. In 2013 or 2014 started a new guest (AndrY) with a lot of level-sets.
I converted the Levels of Winplex and Megaplex (.sp and .mpx-files), for playing in RnD.
When I started to look for BD-Levels, I used the boulderdash editor to convert maps, adf-files, games like g dash and all this I did, because I wanted to play the levels only in the game Rocks n Diamonds. In 2014 I ended my work an have done a lot of other things. Two years later I had a new pc and restarted to install the game RnD and saw – a lot of the websites, where I downloaded the levels, now arn´t aviable.

Here is the description for some levels/levelsets

Andreas Buschbeck 1 Level 1 - 85 (2003) 8bit-color and color-reduced ligth version of AB graphics
Andreas Buschbeck 2 Level 0 - 52 (2003)
Andreas Buschbeck 3 Level 1 - 26 (2005) 16bit-color version of AB graphics
Andreas Buschbeck 4 Level 1 - 17 (2003)

Lee Brewer Level 1 - 17 (2007) a wonderful levelset with bd2k3 graphics with new colors (by Lee)

Przemislaw "Winter" Level 1 - 47 (2013) a very nice levelset, found on a polish website and gave the name winter, but this site can´t be find since 2014

Geers "amoury" Level 1 - 46 (2013) downloaded 2013, since 2014 download only after registration in his forum

[Paul E.Collins "Equinox tetrachloride"1 Level 1 - 50 (2002) contr. 2002]
[Paul E.Collins "Equinox tetrachloride"2 Level 1 - 100 (2002) contr. 2002]
[Paul E.Collins "Equinox tetrachloride"3 Level 1 - 64 (2003) contr. 2003]
New!!! Paul E.Collins "Equinox tetrachloride"4 Level 1 - 95 (2013) downloaded from his website :mrgreen:
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

okay - I´ll have to try.

have fun!
Equinox 4 2013.zip
(109.98 KiB) Downloaded 604 times
(26.49 KiB) Downloaded 577 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by Holger »

Hello ellipirelli, welcome to the R'n'D forum! :-)
and I know, that a lot of levelsets today can't be to download
Unfortunately, you are right -- quite a number of web sites with R'n'D stuff disappeared in the past, leaving dead links on my site. For some sites, I have offline backups (web site snapshots) available, so I can replace those links with the downloaded web sites. (This is the case with the web sites of Dr. Sloan or Richard Kleber, for example.) For some other sites, I still have to replace the dead links with backup content (like the site of Andreas Buschbeck, which unfortunately I did not download while it was still available, but have to get from the Internet Archive (from the "way back machine"), where some files are missing).
I would like to upload them here, if it is alright (because this are not my levels) and so I can give the forum something bag.
Of course uploading them here is fine, and I say thank you for your time and effort! :-)

For larger level sets, you are right that the forum has a limit on upload file size, so a solution would be to upload them on some file hoster and send me a mail, so I could move them to my server and put a link to the "Levels" section of the R'n'D web site (or here in the forum).

filbo wrote:
Suggestion: collect a text listing of the files you wish to upload -- a catalog. Upload that.

That way people can evaluated whether you have items missing from existing collections.
Yes, that's a good idea! So just list what may be missing, or should be made available again.

Thing is, I have most levels ever released by other people available in my archive, but not all of them are listed on or available from my site for various reasons -- for example, I haven't updated the "Contributions" set for a long time (also for various reasons, like level sets with lots of artwork that would not fit into that collection, but would rather be released separately). But yes, I also should update the "Levels" page on my site... it's overdue for a long time... ;-)
FYI, RnD has a set of Andreas Buschbeck levels (001..085) in directory Contributions_2003; Sascha Muecke (001..008) in Contributions_2006. I don't see anything labeled Lee Brewer but if the caves have titles rather than a personal name, I wouldn't have noticed.
I could make the level sets from Andreas Buschbeck available, and also that level set from Lee Brewer. Regarding the latter, to be honest, I haven't released it so far because I had the feeling that it might not fit that well into the existing selection of level sets on the "Levels" page -- it's a set with a large amount of custom graphics (like big animations with different graphical style, and also containing large photos from Lee's children, if I remember correctly), so I think I suggested to him to just release it in the forum, but as far as I remember it was never released.

If you have a list of all your potentially missing or "forgotten" R'n'D levels, I will happily check them against my own, archived levels, and then check which sets should be released where (in the forum, or directly in the "Levels" section). :-)
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

hi, holger, thank you for your answer.
I registered here in 2014 but I´m very, very unconvident - write and upload something in the forum or not, especially because my english ist not good enough.
And I thought - the best would be, if I could send you the level sets, which I found in the last years, in a mail.
Can I use the registration mail???
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

Here are some Supaplex-Levelsets, I´ve found in a winplex-forum. You can make a folder "AndrY 1, AndrY 2...", rename every collection to levels.dat or levels.d00, levels.d01..., make a levelinfo for every folder. Have fun!
The author is AndrY.

List of levels, without description:
2009 - "Old levels" - 64 levels - easy/middle
2010 - "Sapper" - 37 levels - easy/middle
2010 - "Deleted levels" - 44 levels - middle
2011 - "Alpha-beta" - 54 levels - easy/middle
2011 - "Only four" - 59 levels - middle/hard
2013 - "Yellow" - 39 levels - easy/middle
2014 - "100 percents" - 46 levels - middle
2015 - "Freebie is over now" - 54 levels - middle/hard
2015 - "Logjam" - 37 levels - middle/hard
2015 - "Russian alphabet" - 33 levels - middle
2015 - "Ha-a-ard!" - 7 levels while - hard
"Other levels" - 24 levels - easy

and for all, who can read in russian, here is the description by AndrY himself:

2009 - "Старые уровни"
Мой самый первый сборник. Штук 20 уровней (в основном те, которые с названиями) я придумал ещё до того как узнал о существовании редактора (я их рисовал в тетрадочке). Все уровни лёгкие (некоторые муторные, но всё-равно лёгкие), кроме некоторых, 25 например.
Уровень сложности: лёгкий/средний
Количество: 64

2010 - "Сапёр"
Дополнение к "Удалённым уровням". Я нашёл этот сборник случайно где-то на бабушкином компьютере, уже забыв о его существовании. Всё нормально и проходимо. Более-меннее сложный уровень - 16-ый.
Уровень сложности: лёгкий/средний
Количество: 37

2010 - "Удалённые уровни"
На самом деле, здесь не все уровни. Раньше (до того как я потерял флешку с уровнями начиная с 71-го, которые были у меня в единственном экземпляре :( ) их было больше.
Уровень сложности: средний
Количество: 48 (без пустых 44)

2011 - "Альфа-Бета"
Одни из моих старых уровней. Сложных уровней здесь нет, за исключением жуткого №50 . Советую его сразу пропустить.
Уровень сложности: лёгкий/средний
Количество: 54

2011 - "Только четыре"
Почти все уровни довольно сложные. Есть несколько тяжёлых. 44 - самый сложный, по-моему (а я его прошёл).
Уровень сложности: средний/сложный
Количество: 59

2013 - "Жёлтый"
Последние уровни из supaplex-овского редактора.
Единственный непройденный мною уровень - 38 (Возможно он в самом деле непроходим, но я считаю, что его пройти реально, может быть даже с использованием трюков. Я лично прошёл всё, кроме левой верхней части - не хватило 1 бомбы D: )
Уровень сложности: лёгкий/средний
Количество: 39

2014 - "Сто процентов"
Уровни, сделанные мной с 24 ноября по 4 декабря (11 дней!). Это мой первый сборник уровней, сделанный для Винплекса, причём уровней в нём я сделал достаточно много за такой короткий промежуток времени. Вообще-то, я уже полтора года, до этого момента, не создавал уровней для Супаплекса. Слишком заумных уровней тут нет (они будут в следующих сборниках :) ), но, наверно есть штук 5, над которыми требуется немного подумать.
Самый хороший уровень, по-моему, 38.
Уровень сложности: средний
Количество: 46

2014 - "Халява уже закончилась"
Учитывая сложность этих уровней, каждый 10-ый уровень здесь лёгкий ).
Уровень сложности: средний/сложный
Количество: 54 (без пустых 51)

2015 - "Завал"
23 ноября 2014 - 15 июля 2015. Уровни делались так долго, так как на этом компьютере я их почти не делал).
Уровень сложности: средний/сложный
Количество: 37

2015 - "Русский алфавит"
27 июня - 5 июля. Маленькие уровни в форме букв алфавита.
Обновлён 28 уровень.
Уровень сложности: средний
Количество: 33

2015 - "Сложно-о-о!"
24 августа 2015 - ...
Demo-версия. Уровни (по моему мнению) тяжелые. Но не особо утомительные.
Уровень сложности: сложный
Количество: 7 пока что

Никуда не вошедшие уровни
Уровни (2010-2015), большинство из которых я скопировал из файлов старого супаплекса. В основном это группы уровней (от 1 до 8) которые не смогли стать нормальным сборником. Все уровни лёгкие (кроме одного-двух).
Уровень сложности: лёгкий
Количество: 24
3. AY_2010_1.zip
(20.57 KiB) Downloaded 547 times
2. AY_2010_2.zip
(35.84 KiB) Downloaded 556 times
(16.61 KiB) Downloaded 569 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

Here are the next:
6. AY_2013.zip
(20.57 KiB) Downloaded 579 times
5. AY_2011_2.zip
(24.74 KiB) Downloaded 557 times
4. AY_2011_1.zip
(33.8 KiB) Downloaded 575 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

This continues until....
9. AY_2015_2.zip
(10.9 KiB) Downloaded 566 times
8. AY_2014_2.zip
(10.59 KiB) Downloaded 554 times
7. AY_2014_1.zip
(8.62 KiB) Downloaded 560 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

And the last 3 sets :D
12. AY_2014_mix.zip
(7.77 KiB) Downloaded 568 times
11. AY_2015_3.zip
(4.08 KiB) Downloaded 551 times
10. AY_2015_1.zip
(5.19 KiB) Downloaded 561 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by filbo »

I also (probably like most long-term RnD / Boulder-Dash-descendent aficionados) collect old levelsets.
I have a big slushpile in a "Downloads" directory, to go through "one of these years".

It's most convenient for me if Holger does the main work of organizing it all into RnD-compatible
directory structures and puts it in his download section. That is: "anyone" can do such things, but
they don't feel "real" / official to me until they are in his directory structure; and if someone else
does that layout work but then it never actually becomes downloadable from artsoft.org, it feels
like unnecessary work happened. Unfortunately this "solution" puts most of the work on Holger,
who also has better things to do... :(

In the end I just want to have a gigantic directory /usr/share/games/rocksndiamonds/... with all the
levels ever created, logically organized :) And for Windows-or-whatever users, same fileset, to be
extracted from the same archive file(s), using the same commands, except they first create and cd
to some other base pathname.
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

Thanks very much to Holger, now I can upload the levelsets as zip-files, which were too big in the last year.
Have fun!
Andreas Buschbeck.zip
(7.13 MiB) Downloaded 515 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

Here are the next:
''winter'' I've found on a polish website some years ago.
And I upload now some of missing levels, I have more in my collections, but have to look for them.
TheStoneWall (VegaTen).zip
(1.08 KiB) Downloaded 485 times
Lelldorin [Christian Albrecht) RnD-Level-Set1.zip
(11.4 KiB) Downloaded 498 times
Emerald_Factory(Easy) (A.Siekierka).zip
(1.01 KiB) Downloaded 508 times
CEs_Walkaround (22 Level Francesco S. Carta).zip
(20.04 KiB) Downloaded 490 times
(63.69 KiB) Downloaded 486 times
(614.13 KiB) Downloaded 488 times
(6.5 KiB) Downloaded 502 times
42_Steps (into snake bite).zip
(11.12 KiB) Downloaded 485 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

More and more..... :D
Level Structure DC2 (Davocardo).zip
(11.75 KiB) Downloaded 468 times
Moving_Elements (Francesco S.Carta).zip
(1.69 KiB) Downloaded 479 times
Manuels_Sokoban_Levels (Manuel Butter).zip
(6.2 KiB) Downloaded 468 times
ls2_sa levelsketch.zip
(79.92 KiB) Downloaded 478 times
ls2_ins levelsketch.zip
(1.62 MiB) Downloaded 485 times
Lee Brewer.zip
(4.11 MiB) Downloaded 477 times
Fool_that_bug (Zomis).zip
(1.09 KiB) Downloaded 474 times
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Re: levels by a. buschbeck, sascha mücke, lee brewer etc

Post by ellipirelli »

A link to a levelset by snowfall the cat:

https://snowfall-the-cat.deviantart.com ... -563517209

(the downloadbutton is right on the top :wink: )

The levels by P.Rossmanith I've found some years ago on his homepage.

veysi orak made his levels in 2006 and later a remake of them. Have a look by yourself, the both collections have a lot of double levels, but a lot of different levels too.
(68.96 KiB) Downloaded 463 times
(51.58 KiB) Downloaded 474 times
Petik Rossmanith.zip
(81.91 KiB) Downloaded 479 times
RockWord_SP ( Rockword).zip
(8.07 KiB) Downloaded 478 times
Step Puzzles (David Hutchinson).zip
(38.12 KiB) Downloaded 471 times
Slippery_Ground (Sascha Muecke).zip
(8.84 KiB) Downloaded 469 times
Dungeons (Sascha Muecke).zip
(110.9 KiB) Downloaded 479 times
! HerzAusGold (from the tool ''rndTest322-tc3''.zip
(21.31 KiB) Downloaded 462 times
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