Special edition "R'n'D jue" released!

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Special edition "R'n'D jue" released!

Post by Holger »

"R'n'D jue", created in cooperation with Jürgen Bonhagen, is a special edition of Rocks'n'Diamonds with completely different graphics and sounds and a collection of outstanding level sets specifically designed for those who like to play puzzle and thinking games! In addition to Jürgen's own level sets, "R'n'D jue" also contains a selection of level sets from the Contribution level collection that offer a similar level of puzzle game fun and fit well with the new artwork. See a detailed description of all features of "R'n'D jue", along with a lot of screenshots, on Jürgen Bonhagen's web site!

"R'n'D jue" can be installed as a complete replacement of the classic Rocks'n'Diamonds package. Most additional level sets from the Levels & Artwork section that can be played with Rocks'n'Diamonds can also be played with "R'n'D jue"! Especially the many level sets of the Emerald Mine Club level collection are now playable with completely new, high resolution and high quality artwork that was specifically created also with this level collection in mind! It is also possible to install "R'n'D jue" and Rocks'n'Diamonds side by side, as they behave as two completely independent games, which makes it very easy to play different kind of level sets in a different graphical enviromnent!

If you just want to play Jürgen's level sets with the classic Rocks'n'Diamonds, but without installing "R'n'D jue", you can find all level sets shipped with "R'n'D jue" as a separate level collection package on Jürgen Bonhagen's web site, just as before, or on the Levels & Artwork page!

"R'n'D jue" for Windows, Unix and Mac OS X is now available for download from the Download section and also from Jürgen Bonhagen's web site!
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