tube-making easier

Got a cool idea that should be in R'n'D? Let's hear it!

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Re: tube-making easier

Post by BrownSky »

Hi, I have been searching through old posts looking for clues on how to compile RnD either in or for Windows. (I want to try out making some changes in the code). Anyway, that led me to researching about the 'RND Scripter', which led me to this post.

This feature sounds really useful, and a big timesaver - leading to more productivity, which everyone likes :-)

Does anyone know if it has been released?

I'll feel like a real dummy if it turns out that it has been, but I don' t think so.

Holger, do you still use it yourself? Or did you retire it for some reason?

Could we have it please? And any other editor features?

Personally I would much rather that the editor palette was expanded beyond its current size - maybe with tabs, or with a redesign of the screen (on my basic version of RnD, there is always a _lot_ of black space), so that lots more edit tools could be included.

As opposed to the current 'neat' design, which sacrifices features to achieve minimalism.

I have lots of questions about RND Scripter and compilation on/for Windows, but I'll save them for some new posts :-)

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Re: tube-making easier

Post by Holger »

Do you mean this one?: ... rnd/rndce/

Unfortunately, I do not have this program (as it is a Windows program, and I'm on Linux and Mac), but the Pascal source code was found by ellipirelli here:


Apparently (when looking into file "rndce.compiled"), it can be compiled with "fpc.exe", which seems to be available here:

Maybe some Windows guy could try if it still can be compiled... :?
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Re: tube-making easier

Post by Holger »

Update: Or do you mean that "IntelliDraw" feature? It's still available in the level editor! :)

Or do you mean "compile R'n'D on/for Windows"? That can be done using the MinGW C (cross) compiler on (or for) Windows -- that's exactly what I use to build the Windows packages of R'n'D.
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