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Happy Birthday R&Ds

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:25 am
by Alan
I only just realised......1995

Wow, is it really 10 years old or is that just Artsoft?

We should throw a party anyway!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:51 am
by Zomis
I believe it actually is that old...I think I started playing it in 1999 or 2000... but the development has really been impressing the last 2 years.!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:10 pm
by Martijn
Holger is from the 80s <- did he say.

That means that he is about 25?

Hey Holger, did you start it when you were 15????

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:18 pm
by bojster
No, he's not.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:41 pm
by Darkon
hm... well, happy birthday rocks and diamonds! i guess...

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 9:03 pm
by Holger
> Wow, is it really 10 years old or is that just Artsoft?

No, it's really nearly ten years old. I've just had a look into my RELEASES directory:

aeglos@numenor:~/projekte/RELEASES > dir | grep rocks | grep "\-0\."
drwxr-xr-x 5 aeglos users 1024 Oct 22 1995 rocks_n_diamonds-0.9
-rw-r--r-- 1 aeglos users 903 Oct 27 1995 rocks_n_diamonds-0.9.lsm
-rw-r--r-- 1 aeglos users 941953 Oct 22 1995 rocks_n_diamonds-0.9.tgz
drwxr-xr-x 5 aeglos users 1024 Nov 5 1995 rocks_n_diamonds-0.9b
-rw-r--r-- 1 aeglos users 1032 Nov 5 1995 rocks_n_diamonds-0.9b.lsm
-rw-r--r-- 1 aeglos users 926506 Nov 5 1995 rocks_n_diamonds-0.9b.tgz
aeglos@numenor:~/projekte/RELEASES >

So as we can see, the first public release of R'n'D was 1995-10-22.
The first bugfix release was then 1995-11-05. ;-)

My software label "Artsoft" is a bit older -- I released my first programs (text/graphic adventures written in C64 BASIC) under that label around 1985 or 1986.

> Holger is from the 80s <- did he say.

That's right -- I wrote "I'm a child of the 80's" in that music thread. :-)

> That means that he is about 25?

Not necessarily. ;-)

> Hey Holger, did you start it when you were 15????

That's right again, as you can see above. But not R'n'D, but programming in general.

> We should throw a party anyway!
> hm... well, happy birthday rocks and diamonds! i guess...

Stop!! Let's wait for October! But then it's indeed time for an anniversary party! :-)