Finding good levelsets

Discussion about Rocks'n'Diamonds, Boulder Dash, Supaplex, Emerald Mine and any other BD hybrid.

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Finding good levelsets

Post by jm28121977 »

Hello everyone,

I play R'n'D almost daily but, as I'm sure many of you have noticed, loads of the 600+ levelsets in the Emerald Mine Club level collection are pretty rubbish and make heavy use of random element placement, repeatedly copying and pasting one section of a level, or regurgitating the same ideas throughout a levelset. It can take a lot of searching before stumbling across a decent levelset.

I found RAP's chronicling of his playing activity to be useful, but it's quite comprehensive and still requires quite a bit of sifting through. Holger has listed some good ones on the levels page of this site, but it seems to cover 'extra' levelsets and not the Emerald Mine Club level collection itself.

I thought it would be good to have a thread where people can post the names of high quality levelsets they've played. If this already exists somewhere in the forum, please delete this thread and point me towards it. If it doesn't, here's what I've got for starters.

Excellent levels
Expert Mine 1, 2 & 3
The Exception 1 & 2
Wonder Mine
Contributions 2002 Equinox Tetrachloride & II
Contributions 2003 Andreas Buschbeck
Contributions 2004 Andrzej Grzesik

Worth a look
Adventures of Mr B 1, 2 & 3
Highlander Mine
Laban Mine
Nem Mine/New Mine 1995
Nordlicht Mine 1 & 2
Snel Mine 1 & 2
Through the Eve Caves
Through the Sprint Mine

Jamie x
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Feb 10, 2023 4:07 pm

Re: Finding good levelsets

Post by Dirkimops »

Hi everyone,

interesting topic which might help to avoid having to play lots of levels again and again because they were copied from levelset to levelset, and to bring attention to the levelsets which are really interesting. I haven't played too many levelsets so far, but maybe some first thoughts from my side.
Ok, the Tutorials are already played by nearly everyone as it seems, they are really a good start.

Baby Dusty Mini Mine: small, nice and interesting levels, starting from very easy ones (nearly like tutorial levels) to quite hard ones.

Worth a look
Adventures of Mr. B: started with set 1, and I agree to Jamie that this set contains quite interesting levels. Rating might get upgraded later.

For fans
Boulderdash C64 1-4: For fans of the old C64 boulderdash version. Contains quite interesting levels, not too difficult but with an adequate grade and also with an adequate level 80. Although you get 8 emeralds and a diamond here when you smash a butterfly - unlike in C64 Boulderdash.

Pure copy
Ami Dasher: One of the first sets I played. Found most levels quite interesting, although it's striking that the levels in this levelset have different sizes. Noticed later that the levels with smaller size were just copied from Boulderdadh C64 1-4 without even bothering to change the level numbers. I would suppose that the other levels are copied from somewhere else.

Not yet reated: Amiga Mines 1: Starts with quite repetitive levels, e.g. 36 rooms with two yams and two gems in each of them have to be visited. Annoying when you get killed in room 35 and you have to do that all agian. Does it get better later?

So much for now, maybe some more profound comments later.
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