Getting data inconsistencies from NNN.tape, NNN.score, and levelsetup.conf...

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Getting data inconsistencies from NNN.tape, NNN.score, and levelsetup.conf...

Post by BryanFRitt »

Getting data inconsistencies from NNN.tape, NNN.score, and levelsetup.conf...

How to detect inconsistencies in
tape, scores, level completion status?

Is there an built in automated way to compare these? or at least get these properties so I can make a script that compares them?
as I/others may like to be able to go back and redo levels started but never finished, or got bad tapes, etc...


scripting ideas:

3choose2=3, 3*2=6 (each set is either matched 0,0;1,1 or unmatched 0,1;1,0), 2^3=8, two completely valid states -> everything shows as incomplete, everything shows as complete

Go through levels and get each one's TapeVictory status/score, level scores, and level completion status. From there compare them...

Possible Messages:
TapeVictory = "tape for level ___ shows a victory"
TapeVictoryless = "tape for level ___ doesn't show a victory"
LevelScored = "level ___ shows as having been beaten with scores of SCORESLIST"
LevelUnscored = "level ___ doesn\'t have any high scores"
LevelComplete = "level ___ shows has having been completed"
LevelIncomplete = "level ___ isn\'t showing up as having been completed"

Display inconsistency in data:
assume missing or failures as '0', completed/good as '1', and '-' as being whatever

01- If tape == victoryLess but it has a high score then ...
0-1 If tape == victoryLess but it shows up as having been completed then ...
10- If tape == victory but it's score isn't in high score list then ...
1-0 If tape == victory but it's level doesn't show up as completed then ...
-01 If LevelScored == false but LevelComplete == true then ...
-10 If LevelScored == true but LevelComplete == false then ... # note: LevelScored could be true, but none match the tape

Data is consistent if
000 Tape == tape is non existent or lost, there aren't any high scores, and level doesn't show as having been completed.
111 Tape == victory, tape's score is in high score list, and level shows as having been completed

Have a default case for if something happens while playing back a level, etc...
Life is partially trying to strike a balance between generating new things/ideas, and making sure they are good/organized. These extremes can be said to between gibberish mess and nothing said/done.
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