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Now with "learn" mode.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:26 pm
by HerzAusGold
I have just uploaded a new version of "rndTest" - Version2.1

It's now contain the modes like Darkon suggested (and more):

Left Mouse Button: Run to location (press 'b' to toggle follow mode)
Right Mouse Button on the snap place: Snap
Right Mouse Button on the player: Drop

If player seems to be frozen:
Middle Mouse (or pressing outside playfield) reset internal GoList.


with calculation:

> rndTest -mousemode=41
> rndTest -mousemode=42 (with "learn" mode)

without calculation:

> rndTest -mousemode=43
> rndTest -mousemode=44 (with "learn" mode)

And with the "learn" mode, you can toggle to pause (SPACE) -
and click the way you want to go with the mouse!
Now press pause again. :shock:

This "help" in dangerous situations. Very crazy (or bad) idea. 8)
Holger kill's me!!

Nevertheless - Have FUN :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:20 pm
by Darkon
Wonderful! *claps*
However a bit of a problem, if you snap something that cant be snapped, the player for some reason freezes and cant move anymore, also happens if you use an item the player has, but that probably also has something to do with the first problem.

This should make RnD instantly more accessable to people who cant play using the keyboard due to finding it difficult.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 8:59 pm
by HerzAusGold
Just uploaded a new release.
This should fix the drop problem.
For the "freeze" problem - press outside the playfield (on the door) - as I mentioned.
Very hard to find out how I can check if the player NEVER can DROP,SNAP or MOVE. May be Holger can help.

New modes are also added:

Go straight line to mouse position (without any calc):

> rndTest -mousemode=45
> rndTest -mousemode=46 (with "learn" mode)

You can toggle follow_mouse with key 'b' too.

And if you want to help, you can change the internal modes in "mouse.conf".
E.g. you can help and change the "frameDelay" (number of frames when the player gives up if he run on a wall)
May be you find out a better value...
At your own risk - you can change the other modes too (see mouse.h)

> rndTest -mousemode=mouse (to load "mouse.conf")

SingleStep is yesterday

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 10:38 pm
by HerzAusGold
Hi I upload a new release.

Forget SingleStep try the LearnMode with AutoPause.

> rndTest -mousemode=46 (with "learn" mode)

Press 'n' to toggle AutoPause on/off.

The tapes should be compatible with RND3.1.2.

You can play a level only with the mouse.
Unlikely the freeze problem still exists. Click on the Door to release.
As always any suggestions, reply's are welcome.

with Repeat

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 8:36 pm
by HerzAusGold
Hi I upload a new release.

Forget SingleStep try the LearnMode with AutoPause.

> rndTest -mousemode=49 (with "learn" mode and "autopause")

Middle mouse button repeats last learn sequence.
Press Middle mouse button before you press toggle pause to off.
Useable for stairs or doing the same steps more than once.

Left mouse at player position insert a little wait (8 Frames).

Look to "hag_readme.txt" included in zip.

I also included some more easy test levels. :wink:

This is the last release with changes in "mouse support" for a while.

As always any suggestions, reply's are welcome.

And if you want you can look here (under construction):

---> HaG@HaG :lol:

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:47 pm
by Holger

Good to know that RndTest has it's own page now! :-)

I'll check version 24 hopefully soon...!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 9:53 pm
by Martijn
What exactly does it mean? All the rndTests in one version? Or will there appear more later, as the site is still under construction? Thanks for creating this page, by the way!

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 10:25 am
by HerzAusGold
Dont know when i found time to update the site.
I want do provide a better description for the available modes.
All modes described in "hag_readme.txt" are in the new release!
Try it and tell me your opinion about.
If you dont like the "cheat" with "learn sequences" - so say it.

Only one Version of RndTest should be exists.

May be I provide some tools like a better editor or my 3D-version
or so... :wink:

Martijn. Please. You should provide the latest version as "RnD Testing Version". Dont know why you have deleted all versions?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:32 am
by Martijn
HerzAusGold wrote:Dont know why you have deleted all versions?
Don't know what you mean here.
Anyway, I will upload it, but now I have final exams at school. This and the other remaining RnD things will be uploaded very soon and from then I will try to always upload something immediately after it has been published on the forum, without a delay. I'm sorry for now.


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:14 pm
by HerzAusGold
Upps. I forgot to update the source tree. :oops:
Upload the proper version.

Should be compileable at Unix too. You have only to set or remove the

PLATFORM = cross-win32

line, in the Makefile.
Holger you should use this one.

Martijn, I hope i can update my site with the proper description in the next months.