Very specific way of using CEs

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Very specific way of using CEs

Post by MisterCunnyseur_ToT »

After playing this game ever since I was a kid at the beginning of the 2000's I've decided to create something for it, especifically, I'm interested in creating a two-player levelset (seems a couple of people are interested, nowadays) and the type of level that has attracted me more is Sokoban, so I decided to create a two-player Sokoban levelset (seems like a two-player Sokoban is already quite rare).
Not content with this, I have decided to introduce certain elements that are not common to Sokoban puzzles, namely, teleporters. Now, I have this idea of having teleporters that are only activated by levers, with the purpose of saving space (I want to make the levels quite compact).
The problem: I don't know how to do it. I annex a test level to show what I want to do. As you can see, it is not hard to create a teleporter that moves the object that hits the teleporter (blue pipe), but what I really want is a teleporter that:
1. Checks if a sokoban element is at its side.
2. If there's a sokoban element at its side, AND then the lever is pulled, teleport the sokoban element to the other side of the teleporter.
3. If there's not a sokoban element at its side, AND then the lever is pulled, do nothing.
I cannot program a CE to do this. I end up making a light bulb factory.
So, if anyone could help me with how to do this, I would be very thankful.
Thank you very much for your responses!
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