Another 64/32-bit playback problem?

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Another 64/32-bit playback problem?

Post by filbo »

Attached is a tape for level 35 of "The adventures of Mr. B Part 1" (level file "$RO_GAME_DIR/levels/Emerald Mine Club/emc_adventures_of_mr_b_1/35", tape file "$USERDATA_DIRECTORY/tapes/emc_adventures_of_mr_b_1/035.tape").

This actually plays out three different ways on a total of two different RnD builds:

1. On a 64-bit system with 64-bit build (my build; could not get the one from the source tarball to run): completes the level successfully in 318 seconds.

2. On same 64-bit system with 32-bit build (my build: 32-bit not provided in source tarball): dies at 58 seconds as an amoeba drop hits player in the head.

3. On a 32-bit system with same 32-bit build: dies at 111 seconds as player touches a bug.

This was being played mostly in 1-step mode, so its timing requirements are tight; but that shouldn't make it vary from one system or binary to another.

Running the two binaries side-by-side on the 64-bit machine, with game speed set to "very slow", I can see that bug and other motions are in perfect sync; but the amoeba dripping action is decoupled.

Given three different behaviors, it feels like some part of the timing of amoeba drip generation is being initialized from an uninitialized variable, or something like that.
tape for level 35 of emc_adventures_of_mr_b_1 (tapes/emc_adventures_of_mr_b_1/035.tape), dies at different times with 32-bit RnD build
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