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Intro/exit screen

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:28 pm
by Martijn
Making a level completion indication is already on the TODO-list, but maybe you'll like this extra idea:

how about an option to write an intro screen (before you start playing a levelset it's showed) and a congratulations screen (when you have finished all levels) just as in Safrosoft RoX?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:49 pm
by Holger
Yes, it's a good idea! :-)

Something slightly similar can currently (only) be done by using a file "README" (or "readme.txt") in the level directory with some text, which can then be seen on the info screen, but it's not exactly the same as you suggested, of course.

But what about the following: Add a big envelope with intro text at the start of the first level, and add another one at the end of the last level, containing these intro and exit texts. I think this comes quite near to your idea, and already works fine! :-)

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:45 pm
by Flumminator
If it would be possible to use different backgrounds for the four envelopes in custom artwork, you could even use graphics ;)

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 10:50 pm
by Martijn
yes, but then you always have to put an envelope in the first level. Better would be just one special cool screen (and eventually music which can be added!) with a parchment on it or so or something very cool.

And by the way: it would be cool if new users who know nothing about CE's and so on just can create such screens in one click. Best would be one standard screen and that you can eventually change it.

What I mean are 2 apart screens. Play Safrosoft RoX and you know what I mean. Or the classic Supaplex, it had a congratulations screen.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:28 pm
by Holger
> If it would be possible to use different backgrounds for the four envelopes in custom artwork,
> you could even use graphics

But you can! Just use the existing graphics definitions:


The "standard" background is just an example and can be changed in your set as you like.
See Juergen Bonhagen's "bug machine" for an example!

> yes, but then you always have to put an envelope in the first level.

Jup, exactly!

> Better would be just one special cool screen (and eventually music which can be added!)
> with a parchment on it or so or something very cool.

The level set mentioned above uses exactly such a parchment, and it looks VERY cool. (In fact, he does not use text at all, but just uses a completely customized graphical message roll.)

> And by the way: it would be cool if new users who know nothing about CE's and so on just
> can create such screens in one click. Best would be one standard screen and that you can
> eventually change it.

Things you can do "in one click" are usually not very flexible...

> What I mean are 2 apart screens. Play Safrosoft RoX and you know what I mean.
> Or the classic Supaplex, it had a congratulations screen.

I know what you mean. But why not just use the existing, powerful possibilities? (If the answer is "because nobody knew that such a feature exists", I agree that it's my fault. So for now, just have a look at the existing graphics configuration, and play around with it, like Juergen did...)