Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

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Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by RJ1 »

Hello there,

i have just finished a widescreen mode with 1920x1080. I put the panels inside the gamewindow by drawing them on top of the playfield.
Probably not bug free and tested only with some emerald mine levels.

please read the readme


if someone improves the settings like may be a larger start screen, please let me know

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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by RJ1 »

Hello there, i havend been active for a while.

I never got any feedback on this MOD, wonder why ?!

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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by BryanFRitt »

I tried it, it works, this definitely could make it more fun playing on higher resolutions screens.
[I don't know how the internals of Rocks'n'Diamonds works, and haven't studied the source code]

Still some (minor?) issues...
The Rocks'n'Diamonds menus are less of an ideal size
The "HALL OF FAME" results alignment could be better
It's seams harder to read what the status bar, than the old way
Play button acts differently than the one built in
Some might consider it cheating when there's more (, or less) shown on the screen at one time [I'm ok with it and like it, but I didn't make Rocks'n'Diamonds, nor any of it's levels]
CPU usage higher? (full screen is even more?)
More on the screen makes it even harder to find the main character. (especially at start, I think there should be something that briefly points to the character at start)
[update]It's missing the controls that were on the right side in the menu[/update]

Directions say only tried with Emerald Mine, I've tried it with other level sets and it works just as good.
Directions also say to turn ' small game graphics "OFF" ', it'll still work, but game graphics will be much smaller. (too much smaller for most for it to be worth it)
I think I may have read somewhere that non-small graphics used a pixel doubling of the image, i.e., 1 pixel -> 4 pixels (2by2)[could be wrong about this, or even misread it]
Before trying this I was playing at windowed at 3X scale with 'small game graphics'. Going back again to the old graphics mode almost feels like getting trapped in a small box. I like playing with this 1920x1080 mode much better (, except for more cpu usage?)
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by filbo »

> More on the screen makes it even harder to find the main character. (especially at start, I think there should be something that briefly points to the character at start)

I was actually thinking of posting a request to Holger about that; pursuant to regular old levels with, well, whatever mode I'm using. I guess it's small graphics. Shows half of an EMC level at once (left or right side); I guess 32x32 character cels on screen at once.

Holger: before the level starts, or while paused (including due to single-step), please have the player character slowly blink on and off. I'm guessing something like a 2-second cycle of: oooonnnnnn-fade-off-fade-oooooonnnnn would be good (fully on 80% of the time, 5% fade, 10% off, 5% fade-in). Or something similar. Times however many players are active.
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by BryanFRitt »

Also the level preview is missing. It was a the bottom of the menu that had 'start game' in it.
Might be neat if the level preview was faded and the background of the menu as well. Although, depending upon how it's done this might negatively effect readability of the text, and might be annoying to some if a part of the preview they want to see is hidden by text.
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by BryanFRitt »

I was able to the preview back by editing the graphicsinfo.conf file's viewport.playfield.height line...

# 0,0 is top left
viewport.playfield.x: 685 # was 600 # x value of leftmost of main menu # 1920/2-550/2=685
viewport.playfield.y: 265 # was 200 # y value of topmost of main menu # 1080/2-550/2=265
viewport.playfield.width: 550 # minimum 269 # was 550 # effects the levelset selection width
viewport.playfield.height: 550 # minimum 518 # was 450 # effects the levelset selection height

Where are the manual for setting this up? I found these minimums by guessing and testing.

p.s. You can get rid of this warning by commenting out the 'author:' line, e.g. '# author:'
rocksndiamonds: warning: unknown token(s) found in config file:
rocksndiamonds: - config file: '/home/bryan/.rocksndiamonds/graphics/1920x1080_by_rjkole/graphicsinfo.conf'
rocksndiamonds: - dynamic token: 'author'
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by BryanFRitt »

Basically doesn't work so well with BD2K3. Gives a bunch of numbers for most of the objects.
[I still use this for other levelsets :) ]
EDIT: Setting "OVERRIDE LEVEL GRAPHICS" to "AUTO" doesn't use this for BD2k3
Last edited by BryanFRitt on Wed May 16, 2018 3:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by Eizzoux »

Well, of course it doesn't work for BD2K3 because it has it's own textures (especially the border with 672x560px size instead of 1920x1080px).
To make it work for BD2K3 you need to do that screen size yourself fo this levelset and add it to the levelset's graphics.
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by BryanFRitt »

Sometimes the "Hall of Fame" shows up as blank for some levelsets.
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by ACME »

With a previous version
rocksndiamonds- (33.73 KiB) Viewed 11244 times

And with the latest version a piece on the right is missing
rocksndiamonds- (29.35 KiB) Viewed 11244 times

What could be the problem?
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Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (fix)

Post by Eizzoux »

Funny enough, I found the issue about the tape part being chopped off, and it's pretty simple.
sghhtrdhtrh.png (53.89 KiB) Viewed 11237 times
He made indeed viewports of door 1 and door 2 pretty well, but what he did not do is properly write down the background sprite usage for TAPE (background.TAPE.width). Instead of 800, it should be 1120, so the game is using only the set part of the sprite.
Here's the fix, which not only fixes that, but also removes that tiny gap between door_1 and door_2 and repositions the tape buttons so they would not overlay each other. Not gonna put work into fixing the editor, not for now anyways.
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by ACME »

Eizzoux, it was simple but I'm not a code expert.

Thanks for the fix!
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by ACME »

Well, found another bug. I've tried with Emerald Mine and once you finish level 1 (for example) the next level looks like this:
rocksndiamonds-2021-06-07-screenbug.jpg (25.57 KiB) Viewed 11214 times
If I exit and start again everything goes back to normal.

Holger can you help us? :)
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by ACME »


The bug is present only with this setting: auto_play_next_level: on

So... can be fixed?
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Re: Widescreen Mode 1920x1080 (zip)

Post by Eizzoux »

Pretty much, the problem is just that on transition it slides from the off-screen field and doesn't update properly, and to fix that, it's better to make both doors go into the view from the bottom instead of the top.
Here's another fix anyways:
wow fixed again cool but where is RJ1 himself he could probably fix it by himself as well
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